
Holi is celebrated all over the country . it is known as day of different colurs I usually enjoy this festival playing with colours with friends . as I know , holi  used to known mainly celebrated at terai with colours on my childhood days . we enjoyed singing and dancing rather than colours atContinue reading “Holi “

केही कुरा 

धेरै शब्द हरु मनमा उकुसमुकुस भएर बसिराखेका छन्् , बाहिर निस्कन का लागि छरपस्ट भएर  म प्रयासरत छु तिनलाई लामबद्द बनाइ बाहिर निकाल्न  लाग्छ केही समय तिनलाई मिलाउन का लागि ,           किनकि तिनमा प्रााण भर्नु छ 

नेपाली राजनीति 

किन हाे स्थानीय तहकाे चुनाव काे घाेषणा संगै मनमा एक किसिमको खुशी छाएकाे थियो । लगभग बिस बर्ष काे अन्तराल पछि देशमा स्थानीय चुनाव काे माहोल बनेको थियाे । देशमा भइरहेको राजनैतिक गतिविधि हेर्दा चुनाव हुनेमा निकै शंका देखिएकाे थियो । केही दिन पहिले जब प्रधानन्यायधिश माथि लगाइएको महा अभियाेग ले चुनाव नहुने शंका मात्रैContinue reading “नेपाली राजनीति “

कुराे नेपाली राजिनितकाे

सन्सारमा सबैभन्दा बिढ राजिनित ले िबकृत बनाएकाे देश भनेर नेपाल लाइ िचिनन्छ । यित धेरै पाकृितक सम्पदा र सम्भावना हुदाहुदै पिन नेपालीको िजवनस्तर न्युन हुनाकाे कारण खराब राजिनित नै हाे भनेर ठाेकुवा गर्ने धेरै अाधारहरु छन । हुन त िवश्वका  धेरै देशमा राजनैतिक अस्िथरता कायमै छ र जनताहरु शान्तिपूर्ण िजवनयापन गर्न पाएका छैनन् । तरContinue reading “कुराे नेपाली राजिनितकाे”

picnic or outing

Apart from our regular duties and responsibilities , we sonetimes go picnic or outing for enjoy . although the enjoyment is short , expensive and unhealthy ,it gives certain degrees of refreshment and excitement in our life . we lose ourselves on voracious food , drink ,game and music sothat we can forget our identity Continue reading “picnic or outing”

A 6-Minute Workout: Never Underestimate Yourself and What Your Body Can Do

Originally posted on The Phoenix Rising Collective:
A few weeks ago, I held my first “beginner” class at a studio in Green, Ohio. The participants were shy and nervous, but they ROCKED it! So many of the women in my class had not exercised in years; some had injuries, most were not happy with their…

8 reasons why some ASIANS find the SPEAKING of English SO DIFFICULT

Originally posted on The FUTURE of Learning:
? (Photo credit: http://bit.ly/1voyQpJ) This has been an ongoing question by many teachers around the world who have taught in many different countries. But we think we are all the same, but in fact we aren’t, and here are some reasons why: Shyness A lot of Asian cultures…


Originally posted on Scribbling Along:
This is one of my favorite poems written by Maithilisharan Gupt. मनुष्यता विचार लो कि मर्त्य हो न मृत्यु से डरो कभी, मरो परन्तु यों मरो कि याद जो करे सभी। हुई न यों सु-मृत्यु तो वृथा मरे, वृथा जिए, मरा नहीं वहीं कि जो जिया न आपके लिए। यही…

Race to get high: Annapurna Day 10 -11

Originally posted on Flight of the Canadians:
Matching outfits. It was inevitable. At home in Toronto, we’re pretty good about checking we’re not leaving the house looking like we’re in the same theater group. To date, we’ve averted more than a few versions of our own acts of terror where, both arriving at the door…